The Christmas Light


Our silly, giant and fluffy chandelier covered in greens and bouganvillea is a favorite bit of fun at Hope Hill.

For Christmas 2020 we laid the base with the end bits from the bottom of our Christmas tree.

Then we had a tiny Covid-y party spirit and got a bit silly. Wanting it to be awesome we added vines and bouganvillea. JOY, (a person), a magical collaborator, assembled the layers. I was especially enchanted by the single vines she left climbing up and above the chains!


After posting a photo of the decorated light on Instagram, we received so many inquiries about how we did it… So here’s the process!


First, lace the boughs through the top of your chandelier and you’re already off to a brilliant start!


Next you need all the flowers you can find. Living in the Bahamas, December means bougainvillea season. We walk into our yards simply snip billowing bouquets to use. (Sometimes we might snip a few from the neighbor’s yard, but that’s another story!) That said, you can achieve this same look with any seasonal flower! That available to you.


All that’s left, layer it up!

Interlace the branches & buds…. and keep layering, until you can layer no more & the drama is done! #entertaining #magic #yeatround


For the Win


Crimmy’s Famous Cole Slaw